How to Increase Global Learner Engagement

With technology becoming more accessible and eLearning increasing in popularity worldwide, companies are choosing to train their employees via online learning methods. This training method is valuable to businesses in all industries because it allows for easier access to global audiences. However, localization is a crucial factor for eLearning courses to remain effective and engaging for all learners. As such, here are our tips for maximizing learner engagement with your eLearning training programs.

Equal Learning Opportunity

If your eLearning course is only available in English, employees who are not fluent in English or use English as a second language will be at an immediate learning disadvantage. Learning something new is always challenging on some level, but it becomes a much more difficult task when trying to learn in a non-native language.

Translating your eLearning content will help ensure that all your employees start on a level playing field and have an equal learning opportunity to one another. This action is also a critical step in boosting the success rate of your course.

Geographic Personalization

Knowing the geographic preferences of your audience goes a long way in increasing engagement in online learning. A great first step is to analyze the accessible data you have on your employees’ digital behavior regarding how they learn best.

For instance, learners in some geographic areas may prefer shorter, 2-minute length videos, while learners in other locations may favor longer, 10-minute length videos. By taking the time to analyze the data, you can tailor specific elements of your eLearning content to match the preferences of your employees based on their location.

Culturally Inclusive

If your eLearning content is not designed to be culturally inclusive, the overall learner engagement of your course will decrease. All modules of the training need to be relevant, accepting, and inoffensive to your global employees. For this reason, your company must be aware of cultural nuances and remember to take these into account during the development of your eLearning content.

Many cultures use signs, symbols, and colors to communicate diverse meanings. For example, in the United States, yellow is often associated with warmth or happiness; however, in France, the color signifies betrayal or weakness. While this may seem like a small detail, your learner will feel more included and be more proactive in their learning when a course matches their cultural distinctions.

Efficiently Maximizing Global Learner Engagement

Translating and adapting your eLearning content for global audiences may seem like a strain on your organization, but it doesn’t have to be this way! Partnering with a language service provider can help ensure your company has the correct systems in place for localization, and it will keep the process as efficient as possible.

inWhatLanguage provides eLearning localization expertise for any tool or LMS. With our team and tools, you get a robust system for success. Are you interested in translating your eLearning content? Contact us today for an instant quote.

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